
military fashion in paris

although fashion was the thrust of my studies in europe, any well-positioned fashion connoisseur knows that fashion takes it inspiration from every facet of culture, and that in any and every event, the more you experience and engage, the more you references you have to draw from.

so, you can imagine my delight in finding these incredible, balmain-esque military uniforms at the musee de l'armee in les invalides, which is an army museum that was originally built as a hospital for wounded soliders. i remember that that day i was having a blah morning, had gotten lost at one point, and then couldn't find a place to get a cappuccino for the life of me. i had no idea i'd be finding inspiration at such an unexpected locale.


  1. Wow this is amazing, I love going to exhibitions like this!
    I just went to Valentino's exhibition and it was absolutely amazing!

    Vanilah xx


  2. Love this military style


