
seasonal insouciance

scout holiday

i need to have a better frame of mind about summer dressing...the ease, the color, the simplicity of it all. i love the casualness of this editorial...the styling, the models, the hair...all of it. it's precisely the tone i'd like summer to have in my own life.

plus, i'm pretty sure that the fourth photo is actually brandon, from twentythirtyforty. if you knew her i'm quite sure you'd agree.


  1. I LOVE the vibe of this post! It's all just so relaxed and easy. Ahhh, summer. And I only wish I were as stylish as pic #4!!!

  2. you shut your mouth! you are JUST as stylish as #4...which is why i immediately, without question, thought of you. even thought it WAS you, you style maven, you.

    i feel like for the first time in my adult life (fiiiine, as short as it's been -- before you make your snarky comments, miss), i'm appreciating the ease of summer. it doesn't totally comply with my "go go go" sort of mindset, but i'm loving it all the same. and loving editorials that show me how wonderful the relaxing life CAN be.
