it's 8:48 and i've been up for nearly two hours...only 23 and my body responds to sleep and waking like an 85 year old. oh, well...i'm not much for sleep any how. and it is lovely to sit in my bed with a cup of coffee and to look outside at the beautiful sunshine-y day (a much different experience than the torrential monsoon that was yesterday's meteorlogic fate). this led me to check the weather, which led to the knowledge that it's going to be 85 degrees today, which led to the ultimate realization that summer is here in chicago. so, no more pretending it's "summer," while still swathing myself in the comfort of fall attire. after this i thought about my jumpsuits, and then i went to
punky b, and then this whole stream of unconscious thought finally narrowed itself into a focal point as i saw the delights she had waiting for me.

it's quite possible that a lovelier individual has never been born. everything about her is so utterly delightfuly, so
fun. fun styling, fun photography, fun attitude, fun posing. and nothing she wears is terribly extreme, but it's all styled with such an impeccable, unique touch. like that huge leopard envelope clutch in the second photograph, or the simple camel belt tied around the jumpsuit (that belted jumpsuit is what started me down this whole slippery slope in the first place).
i think i'll wear a jumpsuit today, belted with a bright green scarf.
lovely how looking outside can bring you (not so directly) to a fun new outfit.
YES!!!! So soon and we'll be styling it up together my love!